My Amazing Daughter

My Amazing Daughter

My beautiful daughter who is going through Chemo treatments at present. This was taken while I was at her home a couple of days following her first go. Doesn’t she look beautiful? I’m sorry if I may sound a little hubristic. She, along with my three other children, are my pride and joy. Not to mention, the nine awesome grandchildren I can claim as my own. At least, for the time being. I realize they are borrowed from heaven.


This little angel sits not far away when she is reading and contemplating on her Pergola. She is an avid reader and writes seldom due to her busy life. However, when she does put pen to paper, watch out. Twice she has sent something in to contests, and twice she won first prize.


At twenty-years-of-age, my daughter was diagnosed with Lupus. She suffered terribly with arthritic pain. Realizing she could no longer play sports, which was her gifting in a sense, she found something to help her cope. She began to study flowers, particularly, perennials. She learned the authentic names of each plant, and her flower beds are stunning.


The bed in and around her pergola is absolutely brilliant. At the time I took these photos, it was too early to shine in splendour. For now, we can only enjoy her hanging planters and birdhouses which the hummingbirds take full advantage.



Our God is a good God. He holds the universe in the palm of His hands. My daughter is in good Hands.

30 thoughts

    • Thank you Sparrow. She is an amazing woman that I am proud to be called her mom. Thank you so much for commenting. Hugs and hope you are doing well with your kiddies.

  1. She is so fortunate to have you as her mom. This is so very beautiful. Your pride in your daughter and your understanding of her and faith in her made me mist up. Thank you for sharing a bit of her with me. 🙂

    • Oh, Martha. Thank you so much for sharing your heart. Appreciate it so much. I am so fortunate to have four wonderful talented grown children and I love them all. They are not perfect by any means, but when my mother passed away and my brother told me, he remembered all the bad, I thought about it and it made me so sad. Though mother had some odd characteristics, I remember concluding, “She was not perfect and did some pretty nasty things to us kids, but I love her anyway. I hope my kids will only remember the good. Just this week I cut the grass at my parents’ home and I talked to them, as if they could know what I was thinking. I said, “Mom, I hope you will be happy with the way I have cleaned up the yard. I cried and hurt that she was no longer there, but I felt she was. Sorry for the long spin on things. I am in that type of mood. Hugs, good friend.

      • Well, you kind of read between my lines, I guess. But I love what you wrote and all the pride shining through your words and I know how much something like that would have meant to me — EVERYTHING. But even more, your daughter’s strength and positive attitude toward bad stuff happening had to come from somewhere, mom ❤

    • Thank you Olivia. You are becoming like a daughter to me. I can always depend on you to comment which means the world to me. You have a grand day. Her next chemo is on June 14.. I will be there. Hugs my friend.

      • Ah Drew. Tis funny this old blogging business isn’t it? I feel a connection to you too. I’m grateful for all your encouragement. Some days I think my blog is wasting my time, when I should be playing more with my kids, but I think all the sharing on here makes me appreciate them all the more.
        Hope you get a little break for yourself soon. I know how tiring this must all be for you. xx

      • Don’t worry, Olivia. God is with me and gives me the strength, although, today I am with a sore back and am resting for it is Sunday. Blogging is resting in my eyes. ha, ha!

  2. She certainly is an amazing woman, with an amazing mum! As much as it breaks my heart to read, I know that you will have the strength to bring light to a truly heartbreaking situation. I can’t imagine how much strength this takes. It’s admirable.

    Stay strong xx

    • I don’t what to be a nag, but I was wanting your feedback. Thanks for reading. I know you are very busy with your three, and writing can be time consuming. Hugs and good wishes!

      • I am busy, but never too busy to support a friend! Sometimes I need a little poke from time to time. So thanks! I will have both you and your daughter in my thoughts.

        Sending you over lots of hugs!

      • Oh, I certainly hadn’t forgotten about you! I just keep missing out on peoples posts. Some posts don’t come up on my blog feed. Im not sure why? I’m thinking about putting all my favourite bloggers on a ‘blog roll’, so I can keep better track of them. I’m just not sure how to do this… I’m not very technical-minded. It might take me awhile! I hope you aren’t offended. I’m still finding my feet in this confusing ‘blogging world’. X

      • I know. It takes time and sometimes, time is not on our side. I think for me, it is a game of management and organisation. I have too much to do and contend with and I lag. Oh, well! I thought about it yesterday, at whatever I set my hand to do, just do it well. xxoo

  3. This is a beautiful post and your daughter is blessed to have a strong and supportive mum to help her through, you are both in my thoughts and prayers. I hope to be still firm in my faith as you are in trying times.
    Have a wonderful Sunday, drew.

  4. She is beautiful inside and out, Drew. She is blessed to have you as her mom! Her flowers are gorgeous. I kill most things I try to grow. I think it’s safer for me to write poetry! You and your daughter are on our prayer lists. What a precious gift to know that she is held in our God’s hands!

    • Thank you Kirsten. You are so sweet and say beautiful and uplifting comments. So good to have met you here on WordPress. I hope we can stay in touch. I really need a few good online friends to pray me and my daughter through this. I will be writing some poems and will try to pick out the better ones once I’m done. Hugs and have a great weekend.

    • Thank you Carol. She is bald at present, but she still looks beautiful. Two more chemo treatments and hopefully this nightmare will be over. She had an allergic reaction to the last one. More steroids and more benedryl were injected and the treatment continued. Long day. Next one around July 11 and final July 30. Will be so glad when this is over and her body can heal itself from the treatments. 🙂

  5. Your daughter is a brave woman and I am sure she gains strength from the deep love and unconditional support she gets from you. I can only guess at the trauma and pain you all are undergoing. I am certain all will be well soon.

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